Myrtilla Miner Building
Myrtilla Miner Building
The Myrtilla Miner Building was constructed in 1914 and is widely recognized for its historic role in Black education. In 1991 the building was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. While it maintains much of its historic integrity, it required full renovation and modernization. Howard acquired the building in 1997, which contains classrooms space, an indoor gymnasium, and a large auditorium with balcony. The site will accommodate the School of Education and the Howard University Middle School for Math & Science. The project broke ground on the first day of Black History Month in 2023 and is expected to deliver in 2024.
The reimagined program co-locates the School of Education (SOE) with the Howard University Middle School of Mathematics & Science (MS2) to provide growth opportunities in a synergistic learning lab environment aligned with the building's historic educational legacy.
Details of the building:
- Campus: Main Campus
- Total Area: 78,132 GSF
- Academic Space: 78,132 SF
- Address: 2400 6th St. NW, Washington, DC 20059
The highly visible 71,772 GS blighted historic property on Georgia Avenue negatively impacts Howard's brand