
Meet the Howard University REDCAM staff!

These individuals play an integral role in the heart and soul of our vibrant community. Our team includes distinguished industry experts, accomplished alumni, and ambitious students, all of whom offer a wealth of knowledge and experience to our real estate work. Together, we shape the future of what education facilities and institutions should embody through our unwavering commitment to providing excellence through infrastructure. Get to know the inspiring individuals who help create a thriving culture at Howard University!

Profile headshot photo of Candy Wongsam.

Candy Wongsam

she, her

Director of Student Housing and Commercial Portfolio Management

Real Estate Development and Capital Asset Management
Avatar of grey silouette, used to when no person photo exists.

Anthony Freeman

AVP/Sr Real Estate Advisor

Real Estate Development and Capital Asset Management
Profile headshot photo of Terry T. Hawkins.

Terry T. Hawkins

Portfolio Manager Howard University Healthcare Development

Real Estate Development and Capital Asset Management
Avatar of grey silouette, used to when no person photo exists.

Michelle Lockley

Executive Assistant I

Real Estate Development and Capital Asset Management
Avatar of grey silouette, used to when no person photo exists.

Derrek Niec-Williams

Executive Director, Campus Planning, Architecture & Development

Real Estate Development and Capital Asset Management